Coronavirus – Information from the GP Practices


The practices have made changes to their appointment system in light of Covid-19. This is designed to reduce the risk of transmission in the local population. Practices are reviewing their appointment system on a weekly basis to make sure that they meet the needs of this ever-changing situation, while still providing the best possible care to their patients.

You will find that all the practices are looking to do as much as they can without face to face appointments. They are all offering telephone and video consultations and you can also access them via eConsult or Klinik, depending on your practice. Practices will still see those patients that need a face to face consultation, but this may be after a discussion on the phone first. This is designed to reduce footfall within the building and avoid unnecessary contact between people. If you are attending for a face-to-face appointment, the practice will let you know about any changes that have been made to allow you to attend safely for your appointment.

Please be assured that the practices are still fully staffed and if you need to seek medical advice we would encourage you to contacting us, but this may be in a slightly different way than you have done previously.

Other Information

Blood Tests

If you are asked by a doctor or nurse to have a blood test, please call the phlebotomy team on ☎ 01625 264095 to make an appointment. Please note, it is not possible at the moment to offer a drop-in service, so all blood tests must be pre-booked. When you make the appointment you will be advised about any arrangements.

Face Masks

Please note that it is now a mandatory requirement for all patients who have been asked to attend a face-to-face appointment of any kind, at their Practice or the Medical Centre, to wear a face mask or face covering.

We are aware that some patients might be understandably anxious about the Government’s recent announcements around the use of face masks in various public settings. Unfortunately your GP is not in a position to provide individual risk assessments or letters for patients who feel that they should be exempt from wearing a face mask.

Click here for more information about wearing a faces mask.

Isolation Notes

If you are unable to work for more than seven days because of Covid-19, you can obtain an isolation note for your employer through a new online system, without contacting your GP. The isolation note service can be accessed via the 111 online coronavirus service or NHS.UK/coronavirus as well as via the NHS app.

Principle Clinical Trial

The PRINCIPLE trial aims to find treatments that reduce hospital admission and improve symptoms for people with COVID-19. You could be eligible to join if:

  • You have had these symptoms for fewer than 15 days:
    • a continuous new or worsening cough
    • a high temperature
  • You are aged 50 to 64 with a pre-existing illness
  • You are aged 65 and above

To find out more information and to get involved, please click here or phone directly on 0800 138 0880.

Repeat Prescriptions

If you are able to, please order your repeat prescription electronically using the NHS App or other online service such as Patient Access. For people who are not able to use an electronic method themselves, they can ask for a family member or trusted friend/neighbour to be nominated to order electronically on their behalf. Requests can also be left in the designated boxes on the ground floor at Waters Green.

Please order when you have a supply of 7 days of your usual medicines left, to give the practice and the pharmacy time to issue the prescription and dispense the items.

Help Us Help You Get The Treatment You Need

“Please continue to use the NHS if you need to – we’re here for you.”

Dr Andrew Wilson, the Clinical Chair of NHS Cheshire Clinical Commissioning Group, is supporting the national drive to encourage the public to seek the care and treatment they need.

GP practices and hospitals across Cheshire continue to treat patients for non-Coronavirus related issues. To keep people safe there are changes to the way some services are delivered, for example doctors and their teams are making arrangements for both telephone, video and online consultations. However, if you do need to leave home to see your doctor, GP practices have arrangements in place to ensure that this is done in a safe way.

Dr Wilson said: “I know these are really unusual times for everyone but I can’t emphasise enough how important it is that, if you need medical help, the NHS is still here for you.

“If you are advised to go to hospital it is important that you go to hospital. You should continue to attend your appointments, unless you have been asked not to attend. I know doctors are worried that their patients are not asking for the help that they need and I, like many doctors, have patients who have delayed urgently-needed care because of coronavirus.